Jewelry in a Headshot
My wife loves jewelry! Wearing jewelry is part of who she is. When I came home from my first Peter Hurley Headshot Intensive and told her she couldn’t wear jewelry for her headshot, she had fifteen arguments of why she would.
Benefits of Neutral Backgrounds
I shoot headshots in my studio where I can control the light. I want you to be in your best light and be able to highlight your best features. This also means that I shoot on a neutral background.
What Happened to the Top of My Head?
Nearly sixty percent of online viewing today is done on a phone or mobile device. That makes the prime real estate of your headshot even smaller when viewed on a handheld device. The more of your eyes and expression that I can get in that amount of real estate, the more impact it will have on the viewer.
Retouching Headshots
My intention is to make you look good, but still look like yourself. A headshot that is retouched too much will look fake and not represent you. Walking in front of the new client, hiring manager or casting director you should be recognizable from your headshot.
The Process
What is a typical session? How does the process work? Have you only had senior portraits and maybe wedding portraits taken and don’t know where to start? Let me walk you through the process….
What Do I Wear?
The number one question before a headshot session is “what do I wear?” My wife has shown me how complicated this answer can be. Here are seven tips from an article posted on Elite Daily. In summary I’m cutting it down to bullet points with my take on why each point is a win for a headhsot.